Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that can cause extreme mood swings. Up until recently, it was
not clear what caused bipolar disorder. However, recent research has shown that there may be a
genetic component to the disease. In this article, we will discuss the possible causes of bipolar
disorder, including genetics and brain chemicals. We also explore how Brain Therapeutics is
helping people with bipolar disorder live better lives.
It is thought that bipolar disorder is linked to genetics, as it seems to run in families.
The family members of a person with bipolar disorder have an increased risk of developing it
But no single gene is responsible for bipolar disorder. Instead, a number of genetic and environmental factors are thought to act as triggers.
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that can cause extreme mood swings. Up until recently, it was not clear what caused bipolar disorder. But studies have shown that up to 40% of people with bipolar disorder have a family history of the condition.
What age does bipolar start?
Although bipolar disorder can occur at any age, typically it’s diagnosed in the teenage years or early 20s. Episodes of mood swings may occur rarely or multiple times a year. While most people will experience some emotional symptoms between episodes, some may not experience any. Although bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition, you can manage your mood swings and other symptoms by following a treatment plan.
Symptoms of bipolar disorder can be difficult to identify in children and teens. It’s often hard to tell whether these are normal ups and downs, the results of stress or trauma, or signs of a mental health problem other than bipolar disorder.
Children and teens may have distinct major depressive or manic or hypomanic episodes, but the pattern can vary from that of adults with bipolar disorder. And moods can rapidly shift during episodes. Some children may have periods without mood symptoms between episodes.
The most prominent signs of bipolar disorder in children and teenagers may include severe mood swings that are different from their usual mood swings.
While bipolar disorder is still not completely understood, researchers are making progress in identifying the possible causes of this mental illness. Genetics and brain chemicals are two important factors that have been implicated in the development of bipolar disorder. If you or a loved one is struggling with bipolar depression, Elevate TMS may be able to help. We offer treatments such as TMS therapy for bipolar depression that can provide relief from symptoms and improve quality of life. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.